Saturday, December 1, 2012

What time is it? (Adventure Time)


Adventure Time is an awesome show on Cartoon Network which adore by million of fans from ages 7 - onward  The show tells the great adventures by Finn the Human and Jake the Dog. (For more info visit fucking Wikipedia)

At first glance the show is for kids but the longer you watching it, you would find it there a lot double meanings ,psychedelic plot, romance and etc. One of the most trippy episode is The King Worm
(Like Inception) . I recommend to all people to watch because this show let you feel to be young.

King Worm

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why Long-Distance Relationships Sucks

This year I learned in a hard way why not be in Long Distance Relationship(LDR).  I never listened to the advises in TV series, books and movies. And the most advise given is, IT DOES NOT USUALLY WORK OUT. This are the downside or negative perks being in a LDR.

  1. There is no physical contact
  2. Really, really far from each other
  3. It needs effort
  4. Showing affection via web is hard.
  5. Having Trust issues (WOMEN HAVE TRUST ISSUES)
  6. Suitors or past lovers might show up in her life they have a great advantage because they have physical contact
  7. No sex 
  8. Phone sex gets boring after a while
  9. Different time zones
  10. Expensive
  11. Cheat on you
  12. A tendency to go back to her psycho ex boyfriend. 
Any more suggestions? Just tweet me or DM. 

Give me topics to right about.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Let's keep it simple lets do this:

  1. She will hurt you again.
  2. She will borrow money if she needs it. 
  3. She will tell all her problems to you. (Dudes hates this shit)
  4. There is a possibility she won't have sex with you but when opportunity strikes do it.
  5. You will be the rebound guy.
  6. You will be her Fluffer.

Fuck I'm sleepy... I will think more when opportunity strikes or when I finish jacking off to my ex (It's a joke or is it?).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


1. Saying GOODBYE to someone, then in one point you meet him/her and say goodbye again..

2. Meeting a Ex-Girlfriend in some random places with your new Girlfriend.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Night Stand

Where should I start hmm?? Oh yeah!
It was a cold night when we went camping at PASIR RIS park. Wait, some back story first. Of course it's about a girl.Well I like her for couple of months, I haven't told what I felt about her. I'm occasionally with her. Like when we went church together, going with group of friends and etc. And this camping occurred few years back. 
She invited to go and help her to carry some equipments. Fast Forward now at the park, our group finished setting up everything. In my head this is the perfect opportunity to be with her. When the clock strikes 12 midnight, they invited a asshole to our camping and practical cock-block me. Exactly when he arrived at the scene, to her eyes I vanished, she treated me like a wind, as if I was not even there. I didn't slept that night, it was long rough night. It hurts!! I didn't slept because the girl is beside that asshole, so I stand guard, if something happen funny, I will beat the crap out of him. My fist are trembling and my chest is heaving. 
Morning, packing up the equipments, the asshole never helped, real prince you got there girl!

Well, I moved and accepted with got no future with chick.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Maria Ozawa First Encounter

Well who doesnt know MARIA OZAWA? For the people who does not know her, well She is a japanese AV(Adult Video) star. And she's AWESOME. HAHA!! Don't get me wrong but I'm a wholesome guy :P

Let me tell you guys when is the first time I saw her video
When I was high school in sophomore year. I got my new cellphone. I was innocent that time!  Fun Fact! Actually my first video on my phone is a Hentai. Which a my classmate which a chick send to me via Bluetooth. 
But my friend show me a video and the title is "Angelica P. look like" I was mesmerize by her beauty and cuteness. SHE LOOK SO INNOCENT. 0.0 After I became a fan! :) haha!! I remember when we were on our classmate rest house(KUBO). We guys gang up and used my phone like a television and watched Maria Ozawa LOL!
She really look like Angelica Panganiban


My Old Love "Part 1"

I know I'm not a "James Bond" material guy or let's just say I'm not that good looking guy. But of course, I know how to love. When I was in high school, I was a sophomore that time when she came in into my class, at first I didn't notice her for maybe couple of months. One day, there is was a group activity in one of my subject, it is about "What is your greatest fear?". When it's my turn of course I did not tell the truth. haha!! And this what exactly I said "Death". In the moment I said she quickly answered and look me in the eye "Dead is not to be fear with 'cause it's a natural thing". I wasn't struck by "love that the first sight".  

Well, don't get distracted now. Slowly but surely, I started to notice her. And soon become infatuation.