Friday, March 18, 2011

My Old Love "Part 1"

I know I'm not a "James Bond" material guy or let's just say I'm not that good looking guy. But of course, I know how to love. When I was in high school, I was a sophomore that time when she came in into my class, at first I didn't notice her for maybe couple of months. One day, there is was a group activity in one of my subject, it is about "What is your greatest fear?". When it's my turn of course I did not tell the truth. haha!! And this what exactly I said "Death". In the moment I said she quickly answered and look me in the eye "Dead is not to be fear with 'cause it's a natural thing". I wasn't struck by "love that the first sight".  

Well, don't get distracted now. Slowly but surely, I started to notice her. And soon become infatuation.


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