Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why Long-Distance Relationships Sucks

This year I learned in a hard way why not be in Long Distance Relationship(LDR).  I never listened to the advises in TV series, books and movies. And the most advise given is, IT DOES NOT USUALLY WORK OUT. This are the downside or negative perks being in a LDR.

  1. There is no physical contact
  2. Really, really far from each other
  3. It needs effort
  4. Showing affection via web is hard.
  5. Having Trust issues (WOMEN HAVE TRUST ISSUES)
  6. Suitors or past lovers might show up in her life they have a great advantage because they have physical contact
  7. No sex 
  8. Phone sex gets boring after a while
  9. Different time zones
  10. Expensive
  11. Cheat on you
  12. A tendency to go back to her psycho ex boyfriend. 
Any more suggestions? Just tweet me or DM. 

Give me topics to right about.

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